

You are an importer, we can assist you :

As an importer, you have multiple and major responsibilities We are present to support you and give you our time and expertise

We provide several services with a view to transmitting our know-how either with specific missions or on a regular basis. We insist on personal service and  are eager to provide you with assistance and support so as to meet your needs. 

Quality audits second & third part

  • Referencing audits of your suppliers
  • Follow up audit 

​But also certification audit of your company. 

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Quality Customer Care

  • Temporary replacement or creation of your quality system
  • Training your teams
  • Overall quality management of your suppliers: selection, evaluation and monitoring
  • Creation of new products / Organizing call for tender 
  • Labeling validation
  • Creation and follow-up of  the terms and conditions and /or the  specs of a product
  • Creation and follow- up of the annual control plans
  • Quality management of commercial operations (products validation)
  • Expertise, handling , follow-up of consumers’ complaints
  • Legal survey and popularization of the requirements related to regulation
  • Personalized technical advice


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22 traverse LEON VERAY 13016 Marseille
+33 (0)4 91 58 86 13 ❖ contact@atecq.comLegal notice
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